
Liz Goldwyn

Liz Goldwyn is a Los Angeles-based artist, writer and filmmaker. The designs used for her Altamont collaboration were created using images fromPretty Things(2005) — the HBO documentary Goldwyn wrote and directed about American burlesque queens and her book,Pretty Things: the Last Generation of American Burlesque Queens. (HarperCollins)

Goldwyn has been fascinated by skateboard culture since she was a teenager—reading Big Brother magazine, pasting Fuct stickers on her schoolbooks and hanging out with the Menace skateboards crew in the mid 90s. An avid vintage clothing collector, she would trade new decks from her friends’ Mark Gonzales, Harold Hunter and Keenan Milton to her younger brother and nephews in exchange for their vintage Vision Quest and Bones Brigade T-shirts. In 2010 she created her own limited edition skateboard deck. This Altamont collection is her first skatewear collaboration.
